Prayer: Searching for the Grace

In this conversation, Katie Ibarra continues to share on the theme of joy amidst suffering while also highlighting the importance of passion and the power of prayer. Through her experience as a trained spiritual director, Katie shares tangible tools and a simple how-to, whether you are just beginning to pray or are experiencing dryness and need encouragement. 

If you are looking for ways to remain present during the holiday season, then this episode is for you. Here, Katie confirms the significance of teaching children about prayer while emphasizing the role of vulnerability in deepening our own relationship with God. This conversation emphasizes how joy can be found even in suffering, how passion is a gift that fuels our lives, and how presence is crucial during the holiday season. Whether preparing for Christmas or tuning in during another time of the year, this episode makes clear for all of us the importance of learning to embrace the childlike wonder of faith.

Katie Ibarra is a mom of 5 children, two living and three in heaven. She is passionate about relational ministry and meeting people in the beautiful mess of their lives. She is a former FOCUS missionary serving on college campuses for 4 years. She has her masters in Theology from Notre Dame Seminary and was a Catholic educator in New Orleans Catholic schools for many years. She is a trained lay spiritual director and currently works part time at Christ the King at LSU, offering college students formation on prayer and one on one spiritual guidance. She is also a proud homeschool mom and enjoys spending time exploring the wonderful world with her children.

Link: Sarah's Be a Heart Referral Code

Quotes From This Episode:

Ephesians 6:10-18a

10Now my beloved ones, I have saved these most important truths for last: Be supernaturally infused with strength through your life-union with the Lord Jesus. Stand victorious with the force of his explosive power flowing in and through you.

11Put on God’s complete set of armor provided for us, so that you will be protected as you fight against the evil strategies of the accuser! 12Your hand-to-hand combat is not with human beings, but with the highest principalities and authorities operating in rebellion under the heavenly realms. For they are a powerful class of demon-gods and evil spirits that hold this dark world in bondage. 13Because of this, you must wear all the armor that God provides so you’re protected as you confront the slanderer, for you are destined for all things and will rise victorious.

14Put on truth as a belt to strengthen you to stand in triumph. Put on holiness as the protective armor that covers your heart. 15Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.

16In every battle, take faith as your wrap-around shield, for it is able to extinguish the blazing arrows coming at you from the evil one! 17-18Embrace the power of salvation’s full deliverance, like a helmet to protect your thoughts from lies. And take the mighty razor-sharp Spirit-sword of the spoken word of God.

Charles Dickens’ Quote:

“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its might Founder was a child himself.”


Allowing Wisdom to Speak Over Us


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